We were filled with joy this Thanksgiving as we have so much to be thankful for. We left for Johnson City, Tennessee on Tuesday afternoon, for what would soon be one of the most fun times we have had with our family in Tennessee. It was truly an amazing time with family...the only ones missing were Brooke and Russ.
Thanksgiving morning we participated in the Turkey Trot, a 5K run/walk in Johnson City that we did last year too. My cousins and even my aunt do it, so it is a great way to get some exercise before eating lots of turkey. This year even the kids did it! All participants get a medal at the end, and Elijah still swears he won first place. Here is the family.

Hunter and Elijah

For lunch we went to Fall Branch, TN, to my grandmother Reed's house. A good time was had there with the family on my mother's side. And mom cooked a delicious meal!

This is my grandmother Reed and her great-grandchildren!

Below is a picture of most of the family that was there that night.
This is a picture of my great-aunt Christine and Payton. Imagine...that is Payton's great, great aunt. Pretty cool. She is an amazing lady.
Of course I have to show you what Odell looked like when he was here for Thanksgiving. These are the only pics we have of him from Thanksgiving 2006, when our precious son was here, in his daddy's arms, fighting for his life.

The next picture is Odell 3 days later, his last day on this earth. I don't think I truly could see how sick he looked that day, until I saw this picture months later. A friend took it on her cell phone when she had come to the PICU to see him that day. Hours later he was gone. This is the last picture we have of him.