As I have looked back over our summer pictures, I realize that there are a few more things we did this summer that I would like to share with you.
Let's see...where to start?
At the end of the school year Payton expressed to us that she wanted to "redo" her room. She was ready to change the color scheme, paint on the walls, bedspread, the whole shebang, and we said YES! Last year when Payton was in the 3rd grade, she not only made straight A's the entire year, but she also made straight E's in conduct the whole year. We felt like this was certainly a good way to reward her for her excellence! The end result is awesome! She did a great job choosing her bedspread, paint color and all.

She wanted a new desk in her room for studying and doing homework since she is in the 4th grade now and has heard that her work load will be harder this year. We found this fun vintage table painted lime green on top that perfectly matches her bedspread. Obviously we have not gotten a white chair yet :)

Payton had the opportunity to meet pro surfer Bethany Hamilton this year. Payton has read her book and really looks up to her. So below is a framed picture of her and Bethany along with a poster that she autographed for Payton.
What else did we do?...
One day when cleaning out cabinets in the kitchen, I found a few left over party supplies from Eli's first birthday. So I gave it all to him and he had an impromptu "birthday party" with his stuffed animals. Pretty cute.

The kids have been asking to do the new Sky Hike at Stone Mountain, so we finally decided to do it! Eli was just tall enough to do the actual "sky hike" so the whole family participated and had a surprisingly great time. It was fun because it pushed everyone's limits a little bit. Even Marshall and I. The kids did amazing though. Elijah really surprised me, and Payton went on to complete levels 2 and 3 with Marshall while Eli and I played on the younger kids obstacle course/playground area. The kids also both got to experience rock climbing for the first time. Eli made it about half way.

Payton on the other hand scaled up quickly and was the first to reach the top, beating 3 boys. Not bad for a first time rock climber!

Launching onto the double zip line. They LOVED the zip line.

On top of the mountain!