Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Birthday GI Eli!

Wow!  Last week was the longest week!  Poor Eli was sick the entire week of his birthday.  In fact, he did not go to school a single day last week.  It was a long week for both me and Eli.  Asthma is a scary thing and I tend to freak out every time it rears it's ugly head.  By the end of the week we had been to the doctors office twice and he was on heavy nebulizer treatments.  When we asked the doctor if we should cancel the party on Saturday he said "No.  He will be bouncing off the walls anyways, you might as well go ahead with it!"
We were blessed with wonderful weather for Eli's birthday party and a fun time was had by all.  GI Joe was the theme, and everyone turned out in their camo.   Here is a picture of the cake.

Elijah and his buddies Mathew and Olivia

Blowing out the candles

Eli and his motley crew

The Zbeeb family was there to celebrate!

Baby Ryland and parents were also there for the party

Payton is an amazing babysitter if anyone needs one.  She loved helping with Ryland.

Payton and Eli's two great grandmothers from Marshall's side

Eli is feeling much better now, and so excited to be 5.  He was asking Marshall just yesterday, "hey dad, do you remember a long time ago when I was 4?"

A long time ago...that was last week :)

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