Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Growing Again...

As there is so much growing going on around here, I guess I should let you know that we are also growing as a family!  That's belly is too.  We are thrilled to be expecting our 4th child this October.  Marshall and I have very much wanted another child ever since Odell passed away, and we finally felt like it was time.  The kids are both ecstatic, which brings even more joy into the situation.  I cannot wait to see them both with a new little one around the house.
Because of what we went through with Odell, we find that this is both a very exciting and joyous time, but also a time with moments of fear and sweet memories.  My pregnancy is considered to be somewhat "high risk" as they will be looking at this baby's heart very closely to see if there are any concerns.  What this means is that I get to go to a perinatal doctor and have several extra ultrasounds done, the first of which was yesterday.  The perinatologist is in the Women's Center of Northside Hospital, which is where I delivered Odell.  It surprised me that as I pulled into Northside (for the first time since I was there with Odell) I became very anxious and a bit nervous.  I was delighted when I got to see our sweet babe move and kick on the ultrasound for about 30 minutes.  The technician was very nice as we talked about Odell and what we have been through.  All was good until she turned on the audio of the heartbeat...a marvelous, gooshing sound.  Wow!  I was overwhelmed with emotion at what sounds like a healthy heart!  Something that our sweet Odell didn't have. 
There were some good signs that the heart looks healthy at this point, but the real big ultrasound for the heart will come in 7 weeks when it is further developed and they can look at the details more closely.  The doctor did say that the blood all sounded forward flowing (meaning that there is no regurgitation against a faulty valve) and he could see 4 chambers.  I will be so glad when we go back in 7 weeks and learn for sure the condition of the heart. 
In the mean time, my heart is having to trust in my faithful God, who has walked me through this path so far, and certainly will not leave me now.  We are so thankful that he has given us this child...another chance to assist Him with the miracle of life. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you and and am so excited for your family. I will say many prayers for baby #4 to be happy and healthy baby. It is beautiful the way you write about Odell and how honest and real you are. You have a wonderful faith and I think I could learn a lot from you.