Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Birthday to you...

Today is October 30, my son Odell's 2nd heaven. I have taken the day off work today to spend time with my family reflecting on Odell's life and death. Imagine, a birthday party in heaven...I wonder what that is like? Thrown by the King of Kings himself, what a party it must be. Far greater than what we can even imagine here on earth. How many angels do you think join in singing the "Happy Birthday to you" song...10...100....1000....or maybe more? Imagine what that sounds like, and then realize that they are all singing to YOU. And the balloons...imagine the colors of the balloons. Colors that we have never even seen before, more beautiful than our mind can understand. I just wish I could be there with him to celebrate.

This was me, 2 years ago today. I was trying for a v-bac, so it was something we had to schedule because the doctor needed to be there the whole time. Contractions never really got going, so it ended up being a c-section. In hind sight, thank God, He knew what was best for Odell.

Brooke was there with Marshall and I the whole day. Would you believe that I found a 5 dollar bill in the pocket of my hospital gown?! How random is that?! It was all folded up again and again and again until it was very small, and you could tell it had been washed several times. You can see it laying on my belly in the picture of Brooke and I.

Odell Andrew Presley was born at 7:21 in the evening. He was 7 lbs. 3oz, and had the best red hair. All was well with the world. And for about 36 hours life was great. We had no idea what was going on inside him, and how our world was about to come screeching to a halt.


Heather said...

Happy Birthday sweet baby boy. Sloane, I have been thinking about you and praying for you all day. What a tough tough thing for a mom to be away from her baby on their birthday. I won't pretend to understand ... I don't. I can't. I don't want to.

You are a strong woman. A great mom. A super wife. A wonderful sister and a sweet friend. God knew .. he knew what He was doing the whole time.

I can't for you to reveal to the blog world the rest of the story.

(I asked Tuck if you were at school today. He said .. "no." And I asked him if he knew why you were not there ... he said no. So, I told him about Odell and that he was in heaven .. and that you were probably with your kiddos today just celebrating the life that he had ... and time with your loved ones. I told him to be really sweet to you tommorrow because it is just not natural for a mommy to be away from her baby. - he thought about that for a long while, just to let you know)

Love you sweet girl.

KELLI MC said...

I really can't imagine all you went through, my mind can't really comprehend the emotions you felt or feel. He is a beautiful boy.
Love always,