Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Fun

This year the Presley family celebrated Father's Day at Lake Lanier with Brooke and Russ.  The Hardy's invited us up for a day of tubing and swimming in the lake.  It was so fun!  Marshall is such an incredible father, and we had so much fun together with him today. 

Payton really loved the tubing, and was great at staying on!

The kids are being silly in this picture.

Eli wanted to tube with Aunt Brookie.

 I am so thankful for Marshall and the father that he is to our children.  I couldn't ask for a more hands-on, involved, invested, loving dad for our children.   Happy Father's Day Marsh!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

In Honor Of Mother's Day

All About My Mother
by Elijah Presley
(the words in red are his answers)

My Mother is shorter than my dad and weighs 7 pounds.

She has dark blonde hair and changing color eyes.

She smiles when I do something good.

Her favorite TV program is the weather channel.

Her favorite color is purple.

My mother likes to do things on the computer and play with me.

Her favorite food is salad.

My mother likes to cook scrambled eggs.

I love my mother because she loves me.

The words of a child are so precious!  It is funny to compare this years answers to last years.  Some of his answers are accurate, some are not.  Can you tell me which ones are wrong?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Birthday to my "Original Baby"

Today is Payton's 10th birthday!  Yes, we are in the double digits...quite amazing I know.
This year for her birthday a family friend wrote a poem about her and gave it to her as a gift.  I think it is very fitting of Payton right now, so I am going to share it in honor of her birthday today. 

Happy Birthday
If someone would ask,
"How do you rate her?"
I would say.....
A point for her beauty,
a point for her brain,
and a point because she is not stuck up or vain.

A point for her humor,
a point for her smile,
a point for her fashion,
I really like your style.

A point from her friends,
cause she's so cool.
A point from her teachers,
she's great in school.

A point for her music and painting and art,
a point from her family,
who love her with all their heart.

Is there anything I might have missed,
Yes!  Give her extra, she's a great big sis,
That's a perfect TEN, 100 percent-
And she's a total angel,
that's what I meant.

by Carrie Hobby

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

This past weekend I enjoyed a short getaway to the beach with two of my favorite girlfriends. 

That's right. 
A girls trip.
  No kids. 
 No men. 

That's right.
My feet stayed propped up.
While we layed on the beach.
And talked.
And laughed.
And talked some more.

Let me introduce you to my friend Beth.  And this is my other friend Beth.

Yep, that's right. 
They are both named Beth.
Easy right?

We had lots of fun.

And somehow managed to get some sun, even on a cloudy day.

Did I mention we laughed a lot?

That's right.
My chest is the same color as the ketchup bottle.

Love you my two favorite Bethies!
Looking forward to our next girls trip,
whenever that may be. 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

Recently I have been attempting to BLOG MORE!  As in the past I would often go for months without posting something new.  Well, as I was trying to think of things to write about I decided to talk about a few of my favorite things.  Here it goes:

Favorite all-time candy:  Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.  Yum!  Second would be strawberry Twizzlers.

rr Pictures, Images and Photos

What keeps me going?  I am not a coffee drinker, but unfortunately I am a big time soda drinker.  Diet Mountain Dew keeps me going.  And I drink way too much of it. 

Diet Dew Pictures, Images and Photos

I have been wanting to get a necklace with all of the kids names on it, and I finally found one I like at  She has some beautiful jewlery on this website.  It was hard to decide. 
When it came in the mail I was so excited.  This is what it looks like.

Another relatively new piece of jewlery that I love is my Pandora charm braclet.  The picture below is not my actual bracelet, but just a picture of one.  It is definately one of my favorite things, and I can't wait to get enough charms to fill up the whole bracelet. 

Pandora charm bracelet Pictures, Images and Photos

If you know me well, then it is no secret that I love the Dave Matthews Band!
Firedancer Pictures, Images and Photos
I love Dave Matthews. 
His music is soothing to my soul.
Any album, it does not matter. 
If I could only listen to one type of music for the rest of my life...that is who it would be. 
I love listening to it in the kitchen when I am cooking, doing the dishes or ironing. 
In fact, I love listening to Dave anytime.  
And I like listening to him live even more.
Marshall and I have been to their concert every year since before we were married (and we have been married for 10 years, so it has been even more concerts than that!)
Going to their concert every summer is something I look forward to every year.  We have seen him at Lakewood, Turner Field, Phillips Arena, and even Piedmont Park.  Heck, we have even seen him in Alabama!  And we have already bought our tickets for this summer's concert.  :) 
During college I bought a gigantic poster (shown below) and had it in my room for several years.  I even hung it in our first three homes after we got married.  Finally-it was time to retire it. 

Dave Matthews Pictures, Images and Photos

The last thing that I will mention is that I have a recent love of carrots.  I know, weird right?  I have not even really liked carrots my entire life, but recently I really like them.  To the point that I take baby carrots in my lunch everyday and look forward to eating them.  They are so crunchy and sweet - yum!  Weird.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


During all 3 of my pregnancies, someone in our extended family died.  So Marshall and I decided, in all 3  circumstances, to use the name of the deceased person as our child's middle name.  For example, Payton's middle name is Bernice, because my grandmother Bernice died just a few weeks before Payton was born.  Eli is Elijah Anthony, the Anthony coming from someone is Marshall's family.  A few weeks before Odell was born, my cousin Andrew died in a tragic car accident.  He was 18 and had just started college months before.  He was an only child to my cousin Tammie, who is a teacher in Henry County.  Andy played baseball in high school and college.  This is his senior picture.  I love that kind, gentle smile. 

This is Andrew with his mother on the left, and his two aunts (or other mothers) on the right.

If you have heard anything about the Braves opening day at Turner Field then you have probably heard the name Jason Heyward.  He is a 20 year old rookie from Henry County who hit a homerun his first time at bat in a major league game.  I know who our family will be watching and cheering for this baseball season.  Want to know why I am cheering for #22?  Check out the following clips.  Deuce's  ya'll!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!

Happy Easter everyone!  Today has been an amazing day of celebrating our risen Lord! 

After an awesome church service, we went to the 57th Fighter for brunch with the family.  It was delicious food and a really neat place. 

A visit to the cemetary was a must to make the day complete. 

Thank you Lord for the hope we find in you!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Simple Question

Everyday people ask each other questions. How are you today? Can I help you? Where is the restroom? Do you have an appointment? Are you hungry? etc. And there is one question that I really struggle with when people ask me.

 It is a common question, often asked by a stranger, or someone who does not know me very well. And I often ask it of other people without much thought.

This particular question is asked easily, as if the response should be quick to think of and absolute. But for me, the answer is not that easy.  In fact, it is confusing and a bit painful.

Curious to know the question...well here is goes...

How many kids do you have?

Easy right, most of you have probably already answered it for yourself in your head. But for our family, it is not quite so absolute.

Which leads me to another question. What is the definition of have?

Have: to be in possession of

So how many children do I have?   I guess the answer would be 2. I am currently in possession of 2 children. But does that truly answer the question for our family? Does that answer accurately portray what our family is about to the person asking? I would say no, not at all. In fact, the answer 2 is missing a very huge part of who we are as a family.

The fact is that Marshall and I have 3 children.  Two are here on earth with us now, and one has gone before us and is waiting for us in heaven.  But his memory, and his is still with us.  And it will be with us until we join him in heaven one day.  He is still my child.  He always will be my child.  So how many children do I have...I would have to say the best and most accurate answer would be 3.  At least in my heart, I have 3 children.

Now you are probably why is the question so hard?   You just reasoned out the answer, why would you not just say 3? 

Well, because the truth is, even though they asked, people don't really want to hear about my deceased child.  They might try to act like they want to, and they might try to act like they care, but the stranger that has asked the question in the first place usually doesn't really get it.  Whether they want to or not.  Whether they think they do or not.  They tell me how sorry they are, but I don't want their pity.  I really just want my son back.

Occasionally you might get a more favorable response.  A truly caring person that seems to somehow understand  how a loss like this truly affects a family.  But most people just give a generic response to something they really can't even begin to comprehend.

Or, the ultimate slap in the face is when the person asking you the question doesn't even flinch or act like you said anything.  They just keep right on talking.  They are the people who think that something like the death of a child would never happen to them, so they don't relate to you at all when you mention it.  They don't put themselves there even for a second, to try and understand some of your pain. 

Anyways, back to the original question...How many children do I have?  What do I normally say?  To be honest, it goes back and forth.  Sometimes I say 3, but most of the time I say 2.  And then afterwards I feel guilty.  As if I have forgotten Odell, or left him out of our family.  More recently I have been saying 3.  All the time, no matter what.  If for no other reason than to keep Odell's memory around.  Not in my mind, but in everyone else's.  Because he is just as much a part of our family now as he was when we held him in our arms. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Birthday GI Eli!

Wow!  Last week was the longest week!  Poor Eli was sick the entire week of his birthday.  In fact, he did not go to school a single day last week.  It was a long week for both me and Eli.  Asthma is a scary thing and I tend to freak out every time it rears it's ugly head.  By the end of the week we had been to the doctors office twice and he was on heavy nebulizer treatments.  When we asked the doctor if we should cancel the party on Saturday he said "No.  He will be bouncing off the walls anyways, you might as well go ahead with it!"
We were blessed with wonderful weather for Eli's birthday party and a fun time was had by all.  GI Joe was the theme, and everyone turned out in their camo.   Here is a picture of the cake.

Elijah and his buddies Mathew and Olivia

Blowing out the candles

Eli and his motley crew

The Zbeeb family was there to celebrate!

Baby Ryland and parents were also there for the party

Payton is an amazing babysitter if anyone needs one.  She loved helping with Ryland.

Payton and Eli's two great grandmothers from Marshall's side

Eli is feeling much better now, and so excited to be 5.  He was asking Marshall just yesterday, "hey dad, do you remember a long time ago when I was 4?"

A long time ago...that was last week :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

5 Years Old

Today is Elijah's birthday.  He is 5 years old.  I can't believe my little one is 5!  How time does fly.

Marshall has class tonight, so we decided to celebrate last night.  Marshall's mother and grandmother came over for dinner and cake.  And of course Eli got to open a few presents.

Eli started running a fever yesterday, to go along with a nasty cough that he already had, so he is home with his dad on his birthday.  He was feeling pretty crummy yesterday, but excited about the little family "party" that we had.  He is very excited about the party on Saturday.  Let's just hope he feels good by then.

Happy 5th Birthday Sweet Elijah 

Friday, March 12, 2010

True Love

My cousin sent me this link and I must share.  Click on the following link to see a precious elderly couple who could teach society a thing or two about the covenant of marriage.  How sweet is this?  I can't imagine being married for 85 years!  Heck, I can't imagine living to be older than 100.  And to think that I was excited about 10 years of marriage this year!  Aren't they cute?  Look at how old and weathered their hands are.  Just imagine all that they have seen and been through together as a married couple.>1=36010

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Eli was 16 months old when Odell was born, so it is always a question in our minds exactly how much he remembers and understands about his brother.  The following conversation occured this morning on the way to church.  The car was quiet as I think everyone was tired, and then...

Eli:  Whenever I go to church, I think about Odell.

Me:  Really?  Why do you think about Odell?

Eli:  Because he is my brother mom!!!

Me:  Of course he is!  So you just think about him, just sort of remembering who he is?

Eli:  At church we talk about God, and Odell is with God, so I think about Odell. 

Me:  Oh. 

Makes perfect sense right.  All the more confirming that Eli has an amazing awareness of who his brother was, and where he is today.  The words of a child.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Trip to the Children's Museum

Curious George is one of Eli's favorite characters and TV shows.  In fact, he sleeps with a stuffed "George" at night.  So when there was an exhibit at the Children's Museum featuring Curious George, we knew we had to go.  One day last month the Presley family went with the Davis family to Imagine It, Children's Museum in Atlanta!

There was lots of Curious George stuff to explore.

Eli dressed up like the bellman from the Curious George show.

Payton was really a little too old for the museum, but she did enjoy getting to go. 
She also enjoyed getting to hold a bird on her arm.  Notice she is taking a picture of it?

There was a part of the museum all about food...from growing it on the farm all the way to our own kitchen table.  The kids loved it!  Eli got to sit on the tractor, and he and Hailey enjoyed pushing baskets of food down the conveyor belt.

Yes, Eli and Hailey were quite the buddies that always.

My artists at work

How nice it is to live in a city with places to go and enjoy like a Children's Museum.