Friday, June 27, 2008

Back Yard Bible Club

This past week at the Presley home we have been buisy hosting a Back Yard Bible Club! Instead of having Vacation Bible School, the church we attend (Grace Fellowship) has something called Back Yard Bible Clubs. It is a really cool thing where the basic idea is to take the good news of Jesus into the neighborhoods, particularly trying to reach those who might not have heard it before.
This year we (and almost 39 other families) decided to host a Back Yard Bible Club at our house, and (praise be to God!) it was a huge success! We had a great group of kids all week, with our largest day being 24 kids! The children would be here everyday for 1 and 1/2 hours, and during that time we would...

play games...

hear a Bible lesson...

make a craft, have a snack, and then play some fun water games...

We even played with SLIME on the last day for games. The kids who came loved it, and so did we. I know that for some of those children the hope of Jesus Christ was just what they needed to hear. A good time was had by all, and God was definately at work in the hearts of these kids this week.
And we also had some incredible helpers from church. Without them, things would have been really crazy. These middle school girls have a passion for God, and were such a huge help!

1 comment:

Heather said...

what a great idea!!!!

looks like it was a wonderful time.

great post sloanie!
