Saturday, June 21, 2008

Here I am!

So, obviously I am not so quick on this blog stuff, seeing as how over the last week we have celebrated both Marshall's birthday and Father's Day, and I am just now getting around to writing about it!

Happy Birthday to my best friend and companion Marshall! He celebrated his 30 something birthday last Friday the 13th. We had fun with friends, nothing too big since he is getting "older" now ;)

We also celebrated a special Father's Day, honoring both Marshall and my dad. I am so blessed to have such awesome father's in my life, both my father and the father of my children.
My dad has always been such a man of integrity and faith. He is an incredible role model for Marshall too! Dad has always been loving and encouraging and supportive of me unconditionally.
Marshall is such an amazing father also! He loves our children like to one else can. He works so hard to provide for us, still goes to school, and always makes sure to have time for the kids on top of everything else. He has sacrificed so much for our family. There is nothing like the warm welcome he gets from the kids when he gets home at the end of the day. To see their faces light up at the sight of him brings me unspeakable joy everyday. I am so very grateful for Marshall.

1 comment:

Heather said...

i was about to email you and tell you to GET ON IT GIRL!

Happy Birthday to Marshall!

You know how much I love your dad. Hard to believe I have known him (and your sweet mom!) over 20 years.

