Wednesday, August 5, 2009


As the summer is winding down, I have been thinking and reflecting as I wonder...where did the summer go? What did I do this summer? Why is there still such a long list of things that I had hoped to do this summer but did not seem to get to?
And that is when I remembered...
If you know anything about my son Eli, then you already know that he is my strong willed child. I spend a lot of time trying to figure him out, why he act the way he does, and what form of discipline will work with him. I TRY to stay one step ahead of him if at all possible. Most discipline does not work on him. He simply does not care. He wants what he wants and he thinks that the world revolves around him and he should get what he wants. He does not like to hear the answer no, and he is quick to whine and pout and pitch a fit in an attempt to get his way. He is very rough and tumble, and as he likes to say, he loves to "tussell." He is also very witty, often saying funny things and one liners that leave us wondering...where does he come up with this? Oh yes, I could talk about Eli all day. He has dimples that give him a most charming and irresistable smile, but he is such a stinker! He treats his sister terrible most of them time, and by Payton's account he is a pesky, mean, little brother. But what does all of this have to do with my summer ambition?

Well, this is where the confession comes in. Let me first say that I am in no way proud or happy about what I am about to tell (or confess to) you.
Marshall's mom gave us a much appreciated break from the kids recently, and kept them all day and through the night. In the late afternoon she took the kids swimming. Apparantly it was time to go, and she had already told Elijah a few times that is was time to go and he was running away from her at the pool. She finally caught up to him and again reminded him that it was time to go home to which he promptly turned around, looked straight at his Memaw and said "Shut up!"
Yes, you read that correctly....SHUT UP! Of course Marshall and I were not there to do one of the various things that immediately came to our minds upon hearing this a) smack him in the mouth b) wash his mouth out with soap c) spank him d) all of the above....etc, etc, you get my gist.

To be honest, Marshall and I were devastated. Embarrased. Confused. We don't talk like that in our house. What would ever make Eli think that he should say that word at all? Especially to his grandmother!!! This was pretty much the grand finale that caused us to make some pretty drastic changes around here. As Marshall and I talked through it and tried to figure out where all this was coming from, we had some harsh realizations.

So, much of our time and effort this summer has gone to enforcing the new rules around here. Eli has had a reality check these last few weeks. A much needed one! And I am happy to report that so far it seems to be working. I am certainly not saying he is the perfect child now. That strong will is still there all the time. But I do feel that we are gaining some control over his actions, because we are controlling the things that matter most to him.

This is an old picture when Eli had his mohawk. This is our dog Maya.

An added funny story about Elijah...

Recently I said to Eli - "Your epidermis is showing!" Of course he asked and asked what epidermis was, and then I finally told him and explained it to him. Bad move on my part apparently. Now it is his favorite thing to go up to everyone and say it, only he does not say it exactly right. In fact, he says "Your penis is showing!" And no matter how many times I have corrected him and he says it the right way, he always gets it wrong the next time. Whoops. Guess I need to be careful what I teach him.

This is proof that he CAN be sweet when he chooses to!

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