Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Enough is enough!!

A few months ago, my kids didn't even know who Michael Jackson was. Now they can't seem to stop talking about him. It all started the day or two after MJ died and they were playing his videos on TV practically around the clock. The first video Eli saw was from when Michael was young and still cute and normal. Eli's first question was "Why is he dancing with that beautiful girl?" Which he was (and yes those were his exact words, beautiful and all). The next video to come up was one more recent, to which Eli asked the question "What is SHE singing about?" So over the last few weeks we have answered more quesions about Michael Jackson. We even let the kids watch the Thriller video. And we have talked about how he never truly seemed happy to be who God made him to be.

Well, the other night after getting out of the bathtub, a naked Elijah walks over to a full length mirror, strikes some random pose, and asks "do I look like Michael Jackson??" WHAATTT???

Then yesterday Marshall was trying to cut Eli's hair and Eli was fussing about wanting to grow it long. Marshall said, "Why do you want to grow your hair long?" To which he replied, "So I can look like Michael Jackskon."

That's when you know enough is enough.

Growing up my sister had a Michael Jackson doll. It is the size of a Barbie, and it somehow ended up in all of my Barbie stuff that got passed down to Payton. I could not locate his pants, but I did find his awesome red jacket. He is pretty creepy looking actually.


Michelle Ballard said...

All I can say is, bwahahahahahaha, that is hilarious!!!

KELLI MC said...

Oh my gosh I know I can't stand it I think he was a very questionable person anyway and everyone seemed to forget that! My dad sent me an email about a war vet and all that good he had done in his life and compared it to Michael Jackosn and all the hoopla he was getting and a memorial service at the Staples center it is truly disgusting