Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Glorious Beach, Part II

Well, it has been 5 weeks since my last post, and I am frustrated by my inability to keep up with blogging! I am 2 months behind, having never even gone back to blog about Easter and even Payton's Birthday Party. So here I am to play catch up once again.

The beach was wonderful! Even after 12 days we still didn't want to come home. And as you can see, all that time I thought I would have to blog, obviously didn't happen. The kids this year did better than they probably ever have on the beach. Payton spent most of her time in the ocean, and Elijah was in and out playing both in the water and sand. Her are some pictures of us in action.

This year we went to the Gularium in Fort Walton for the first time. The children enjoyed the dolphin and sealion show very much. And they thought all the the marine animals we saw there were pretty cool!

This last one is one of my favorites. We had gone out to dinner and then went to the marina to see the fishing boats coming in for the day and what they caught. Can you tell who was tired and grumpy and refusing to take the picture? Say cheese!

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