Monday, May 25, 2009

The Glorious Beach

Hello friends...the Presley family is currently vacationing in Destin, Florida. We look forward to this trip every year, as it is the one main vacation we get to enjoy together as soon as school gets out and summer starts. Despite Elijah's double ear infection and Payton having strep throat, we decided to go ahead and stick to schedule. I figure they are both on an antibiotics already, so hopefully they won't get any worse, right? Wishful thinking maybe, but we will see. So far so good.
It rained and poured on us the entire trip down here, but thankfully we made it safely. The rain stopped Saturday afternoon long enough for us to walk to the beach and we saw the most beautiful rainbow! It was so neat. The entire sky was dark with rain clouds, and then there was a bright rainbow across the sky. I wish I had my camera to take a picture, but I had not taken it with me in case we got rained on (which we did shortly after we saw the rainbow). I have written in this blog about several rainbows that our family has seen over the last fews years. I can't help but think of it as two things...of course it is a reminder that God is saying "I will keep my promises to you. Trust me, I am with you." But I also can't help but think that it is a reminder that Odell is always with us. Not that we forget by any means, but what an awesome way that God reminds us that Odell is with us always in our hearts.

I have gotten behind in my blogging, as I have several things to blog about that have happened recently. I hope to get caught up on some of that while I am here relaxing at the beach.


zmelissa said...

I haven't been to your blog in a while, but I am sure glad I linked to it today - your posts are all so uplifting and I love that. You guys are a family that we can all model ourselves after. I love you - have a great vacation!

KELLI MC said...

I swear I am just gonna track you down! am i ever going to see you? I am starting to get a complex. lol!